Earleydays Search Engine

Thursday, November 6, 2008


***** YAY Debbie!! You were my 1000th visitor! Congrats. I will email you separately to get your mailing info *********

I am almost to my 1000 visitor!!

If you are my 1000th visitor, please sign the guestbook and let me know. (There just might be something in it for ya! Possibly a gift card???)

You can tell what visitor you are by looking at the hit counter along the right hand side.

While waiting to find out the winner, I will leave you with a few unusual pictures that I found while cleaning out my memory card from my camera. These will are from several different settings. There will be a more complete update from each setting coming soon.

Here is a close up a cow's nose. We met this cow while on a camping trip last weekend. I also got a picture of him snarfing the camera, but I won't share that one.

Here is a view from our campsite. Isn't it beautiful???

Chocolate Skittles!!!!!

While camping, we went hiking. At one point, the wind blew and the leaves started raining down on us:

Hubby and I at trunk-n-treat. Can you tell what we are??

M. showing her muscles after uprooting a tree at my mom's. (Actually, the wind blew it down, but it makes a cool picture.)

Can anyone tell me how I got old enough to be taking pictures of my kid while she is driving???

At the gym, there is a tradition of dunking the kids head in the chalk bucket and throwing them in the foam pit for their birthday. This is M's scalp after her dunking.

Here is my teenage daughter's hands after gymnastics practice. Don't you wish your hands were this silky smooth?

Okay, that's all for now.
Don't forget to sign the guestbook!
OH - one more thing. I added a new thing to my blog called "Follow this blog." Please sign up as a follower so that I will feel like I have some friends. :-)


Debbie said...

I was the 1000th visitor! I found your site from Jacob's prayer request site. I also have a blog. Come visit me sometime!!

God Bless~

Debbie said...

Well Great!!!!! My email is...LILSCDEB@AOL.COM. Looking forward to hearing from you and also to continue reading your blog!!

God Bless~

Jennifer said...

I found your blog through Jacob's prayer request at Faithful Froggers. I am praying for Missy and her precious family! Have a blessed day :)
