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Friday, March 20, 2009

Teenage epiphany

To clarify at the beginning, this is an epiphany that my teenage daughter had. NOT an epiphany that I had about teenagers. I'm still waiting on that to happen.

As you saw in my last post, J. was baptized earlier this month. Before that, she obviously had been doing a lot of thinking. One night, she came to me and said this:

'You know that phrase that you hear people say - "God is Love?' (I John 4:8) Well, you hear it a lot but don't ever think about it. If you do, it is kind of hard to make that phrase make sense. So I started thinking about it. Then I thought of that passage in the bible that says "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." (I Corinthians 13) If God is love, then you could say that God equals love. So, you could go through this passage and replace the word "love" with "God." That would make the "God is love" phrase make a lot more sense. '

I was blown away! I had never thought of this in this fashion before. It got me to thinking more about it.

Here is how that passage would read with the replacements made:

GOD is patient

GOD is kind

[GOD] does not envy

[GOD] does not boast

[GOD] is not proud

[GOD] is not rude

[GOD] is not self-seeking

[GOD] is not easily angered

[GOD] keeps no record of wrongs

GOD does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth

[GOD] always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
GOD never fails

That is powerful stuff in my opinion.

If you look at this passage in The Message translation, the sentence that precedes the passages states, "So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I'm bankrupt without love." Again, if you replace love with "God," it is right on target again.

This has been floating around in my head for the last couple of weeks since she said it. It has really got me thinking. I wonder if this thought went through the authors head when he wrote these words?

Irregardless, it got my teenagers thought processes going in an awesome direction - there are a LOT worse things that she could be thinking about!

Thank you for stopping by and reading.

I do want to ask 2 favors from you:

1) Please visit my friends on the right sidebar over there. Many of them are going through a lot right now and some kind words would go a long way. Just don't leave me for them. They are much more talented writers than I am and lead much more exciting lives than I do. You will enjoy their sites more than mine, I promise. But remember how insecure I am and still come back and visit me, please??????

2) Leave me a comment and let me know you were here. You don't have to say anything other than "I was here." I just like to know I am not alone. Plus, it helps my insecurity issues when I look at my blog and see that I have comments posted. :-)


Anonymous said...

I was here!! Always remember she got her love for God from you and she and M are awesome because God gave them to you to take care of. Tell J her thoughts made me smile today for so many reasons and I have needed a reason to smile lately! Jen

Sue G said...

Hmmm, what to do first. Do I start out by admonishing you (again!) for dis-ing your writing talent? Yeah, why not.

You're a wonderful writer. There is a richness to your observations that gives you a stronger voice. And there is such purpose in the things you write, whether you are simply sharing a warm family moment, or whether you are prompting us to think more deeply than just surface truth.

You have to promise me that you will stop denouncing your gifts. If you won't do it for me, then do it for your girls. How on earth will you be able to help them develop their own special gifts if your example shows you denying yours? AND (and as you can see, this is a big and), you always compare your writing ability to other people's writing. In the teenage world where definitions of oneself are formed by comparing that self with others...well, do you want to teach your kids to look outside or inside for their definitions?

(I am feeling rather smug now because i have the ability to ask questions to which I already know the answers!)

Okay, lecture over. The mom in me can't help but butt into the business of others when I see them using their own words against themselves. I did that to myself for years. Please believe me when I say that life is far richer when we imagine ourselves the way God must see us!

J sounds like an amazing young woman who has some wonderful insights into her relationship with God and who He truly is. The greatest gift we can give ourselves is to know God. We humanly often make that much harder on ourselves by looking for deeper meaning as if God is a mystery to be solved rather than a source of Love to be shared and received.

Love is simple when we get out of its way. Love is simple when we stop attaching our rules and regulations to it (like working and earning it). Love is simple when we see the possibility in it instead of the problems we fear. Love is simple when we surrender to it.

Love is God. To truly know Him, we need to see ourselves and others the way He sees us, the way He loves us.

And it sounds as if J has a wonderful sense of this at such a tender age. What a wonderful testament of God's loving Truth flowing through her.

Sue G

Pam D said...

Just wow, my sister. That revelation and a link to your blog will be making their way onto my blog, because that is truly an epiphany! I may just have to buy a large-print Bible (Family Christian has a 50% off Bible sale going on right now, btw...) and go through writing "God" over "love" in all those passages in which it applies. It is amazing how clear it becomes when you take 1 Corinthians 13 and do that. What a huge blessing it must be to see your child already having these "God" moments...
And if you don't stop dissing your writing, I am gonna come over to your side of town and t.p. your house, or somethin'. You're a great writer.. you just don't do enough OF it (heh.. that would be a plug for more frequent posts, missy.. which is a problem that I have with Sue G., as well). What is it you tell your gymnasts? practice... practice... practice...

wxjeff said...

Very nice, Pam. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Yup. I can tell your daughter is related to you!

'Nuff said.

Blessings to you all,


JC said...

long time listener - first time poster. So I am a little nervous. J. Is an amazing girl. Oh, just so you will know, "I was here!" JCA

Marysienka said...

I was there :-D

Kristie said...

Pam, this is not really related to what you just posted ... although that is one heck of a good post and a great message!! But if you wouldn't mind, I need you to e-mail me privately (kristieokc@cox.net) with your address or PO so I can send you a "formal" thank you for the awesome book!! :)

Beth Thompson said...

Hey Pammy,
I was here! You have two amazing daughters, and we love them dearly. What a profound insight. That one is going to be walking around in my head for a while too.

Love you,

Stacey at Giggles and Glue Sticks said...

J gets all of her brilliance from her 7th grade English teacher. Right?

Love it. Love it. Love it.

Love her. Love her. Love her.

Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

pam i know where j got all of her wisdom from. she has great parents to guide her an a great love for her family an friends an god. we love you all dad an mom

Deb said...

This is incredibly awesome!!!! I will be sharing this with my own teenagers.
Thanks for dropping by my site!
Hope to see you around again real soon!!

martha said...

I have always loved the passage and thought it should be included in marriage vows. J. is so very wise to read all into this verse that she did. We all admire her so much. She is truly a wonderful person. M

prepare ye the way of the Lord said...

thank you for your honesty and candour, two commodities in short supply - never give up, be with people who love you, sit with Christ, the pain will pass, it is absorbed into that vast endless sea that is His love for you, Heaven and Earth will pass away but My Words wll not pass away