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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Another example of life not being fair . . .

As some of you know, I am an avid follower of several Caringbridge sites. Caringbridge is a free blog service provided to families in crisis.

One of the families that I have been following is the Morgans. They started their site for their son, Ryan. Here is a synopsis of Ryan's journey, taken from their website:

Ryan is ten years old. Diagnosed in '04 with Stage IV Neuroblastoma, one month before his 6th birthday. Ryan had been placed on a treatment protocol (COG ANBL00P1). Ryan has completed: a 6" tummy incision to biopsy the tumor and lymph nodes , 5 rounds of high dose chemo, a 14" incision to surgically remove the tumor, 2 rounds of mega chemo to destroy all blood cells with 2 stem cell transplants, 4 weeks of radiation and six months of Isotretinoin (accutane) oral therapy, more than 100 nights spent at the hospital and many more days. Ryan officially ended that treatment in September 2005. In April 2007, Ryan relapsed. He has since completed 11 rounds of Cytoxan/Topetecan then 3 rounds of VP-16. In April 08 a brain tumor was discovered and Ryan under went a successful Gamma Knife surgery. We then started a combination of temozolomide and irinotecan. In July, Ryan under went surgery to remove what was left of the tumor in preparation for brain and spine radiation. Ryan is presently taking part in a Phase II, 3F8 antibody treatment, interthecally at Sloan in NY.

Shortly after Ryan's relapse, his mom, Missy, was diagnosed with breast cancer. All was going well until recently. Missy's cancer has spread and she is now home on hospice. Here is an entry on Ryan's site regarding Missy's current situation:

There are a lot of things that are wrong in this world. Tonight, Missy and I had to tell our three beautiful children that their mommy is dying. The only thing possibly worse than that, is losing a child. We have appreciated the support from all of our family and friends so much over the years since we started SuperRyan. I never, in a million years thought that I would have to type this on his page. Missy has been every bit as amazing as Ryan while fighting this hideous disease. She was full bore right up until last week, never a complaint about her condition, just constant worry about Ryan and the rest of us. It is still her main concern. I am not sure how and when Missy will be able to handle visitors, it may be just hit or miss depending on how she is feeling. She is on a number of medications for pain, cough and sleep. Our hospital appointments have been changed to Hospice care, our nurse will be here on Saturday. I will plan on having a book by the back door that you can sign if you stop by and she is not able to visit. I am asking for no food...it is a stressor just getting it together, getting everyone sat down and cleaning it all up, also, finicky kids don't help. Thank you for being there for us, praying for us and letting Missy know how much she is loved.Sincerely, Les

I would like to ask that you stop by either Ryan's site or Missy's newly created site to let them know that you are praying for them.


Thanks in advance,


Debbie said...

I also follow them. It's a sad story. I too am a avid follower of Caringbridge sites.
Did you ever send me a email for my mailing address? If so I missed it or didn't get it.
Happy Veteren's Day!!

God Bless~

Sue G said...

My, you've been a busy girl with all of these new posts!

I, too, have (only recently) been following Ryan and Missy's story, along with a myriad of other CB and Carepage sites. Cancer is a formidable adversary bringing with it catastrophic challenges amidst numerous mixed blessings. It really amazes me sometimes how many of us it touches, often making a family out of strangers.

My prayer for Missy and her family is, of course, total healing. I believe with my whole heart that God is able to perform all that He has promised. Missy's spirit and Ryan's determination, along with the love and support of the entire family, can move mountains!

Thanks for using your generous heart, Pam, to share their story and to enlist your readers as prayer warriors for this incredible family. I knew from your very first blog that you were a special woman with a heart for God's children.

Sue G

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